The answer unfortunately is "yes"
However, there are many steps you can take to help prevent you from bringing them home.
Take a decent flashlight with you in your baggage.
Don't bother looking up hotels, they all have them or have had them.
If you are a frequent traveler, they make suitcase encasements . These can help if used properly. (Mattress Safe)
If you can take some trash bags with you in your baggage - put your stuff in there. Seal it.
You can put your bath items up in the bathroom.
When you need something from your baggage unseal the trash bags and then seal it back afterwards.
Dirty clothes in a separate bag.
When you arrive at your room get your flashlight ready. Do not unpack yet.
Put your luggage in the bathtub.
Pull back the cover - look for bugs or excrement stains up near the head area.
Take off the corners and inspect mattress and seams - higher and lower.
Take the head board down or look behind it for bugs or stains.
Check any furniture seams in the room.
If there is an ironing board check that area.